Recovering Hearts
Save your marriage! Save your Life!

My name is Ron Kaufmann and I LOVE my marriage and I love the sanctity of marriage... but it wasn't always that way. Qualifications: My Master’s degree is in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I am Licensed Professional Counselor #11336 in the State of Colorado and I am National Certified Counselor #267299. I have been trained in and utilize EFT, EMDR, CBT, Behavioral, Gestalt and other body and mind therapies.
Through the American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy (AASAT) I have received the following certifications:
There was a time when I was alone in my marriage, worse yet, I was really alone with me. I first entered into recovery on September 4 of 2003 when by some luck, and with the Grace of God, I found H2H. From that day forward my life has been a wonderful, fulfilling, uphill climb and with the zeal of a typical reformed addict, I have been transformed from eviscerated to evangelist.
One year after I entered recovery, I attended an H2H Freedom Group Leader's Training and began facilitating groups here at the H2H center. I've also been a sponsor of a sex addiction recovery group meeting for inmates at Colorado’s largest facility dedicated to incarcerating and rehabilitating sex offenders. During more than 18 years in my personal recovery from Sex Addiction and Intimacy Anorexia, I have facilitated more than 2000 group sessions and have had the opportunity to serve many hundreds of men.
Utilizing my strong roots in the sex addiction recovery community combined with the theory, resources and outreach provided by Dr. Doug Weiss’ H2H Center, I have developed effective and affordable techniques for recovery from Sex Addiction and Intimacy Anorexia.
We offer groups, individual therapy and coaching for men, women, couples and young men. We offer sessions in person, on the phone plus remote computer sessions.
Your life and your marriage are worth recovery. Give me a call @ 719-599-7935 for a free evaluation to help you get started on the Best of Your Life!
Welcome to Recovering Hearts! We are located within the state of the art Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, CO. Heart to Heart (H2H) is one of the country’s foremost centers specializing in Sex Addiction and Intimacy Anorexia recovery. The skills and techniques you'll learn here will allow you to truly be able to overcome your years of sexual addiction Save your Marriage and Save your Life!